Volunteers are patrolling Charlcombe Lane to help protect mating toads
Charlcombe Lane has been closed for six weeks until 23rd March, to protect thousands of toads, frogs and newts as they make their way to their breeding lake.
This is only one of four road closures in the UK to protect toads, and has been in place since 2003.
Pre-closure we are told that a staggering 62% of amphibians attempting to cross this road, were killed by traffic, with the figure dropping to only 6% in 2024. And in 2024 over 3000 toads were helped during their breeding season on this road alone.
“It’s a game changer for the local amphibian population, which has remained stable despite national declines.
With a changing climate, it is becoming increasingly difficult to predict the peak times for amphibian movements, which is why closing the road for six weeks really matters” – Helen Hobbs, who from Charlcombe Toad Rescue Group