The fight against loneliness
Join The Big Hush in aid of Loneliness Awareness Week
By Amber Hill
With severe cases falling in the UK, the country is beginning to regain a sense of normality after the chaos and destruction of the Coronavirus pandemic. People are starting to get back out again and socialise with their friends and family, making the most of their time spent together after having been apart for so long.
However, this isn’t an option for everyone. With over 70,000 over 50’s living in the Bath and Somerset area, there are still those that are struggling with social isolation and have been since the start of the pandemic. For those slightly older individuals who were told to shield by the Government, life has never been the same since. Covid 19 hasn’t gone away completely and there are still safety concerns for people who are deemed vulnerable.
While many of us relied on technology to provide essential social interaction while we were stuck inside, older people may not have had that opportunity. This means that, for the last three years or so, there are those that haven’t been able to connect with others. This can destroy the mental health of a person, no matter their age or circumstance.
This is why The Big Hush is so important. Simon Allen, the CEO of Age UK Bath and Northeast Somerset, believes that we should all get involved. Taking place from the 13-17th of June, helping those struggling with loneliness can take the simplest of forms, whether it be having a day off social media or getting sponsored for walks, runs, or even silent meals.
You never know how positive an impact you will make
Simon Allen, CEO of Age UK Bath and North East Somerset
Volunteers are always welcome, too. The organisation currently have volunteers that call up elderly individuals for a couple minutes, just for a chat. Helping can even be as easy as just saying hello to your neighbour as you pass; it is these interactions which could mean the difference to them. A simple word, a simple acknowledgement of their existence, can be the highlight of a lonely person’s day.
For more information on how to get involved, click the link here.