Staying safe Jubilee weekend
Here are Avon Fire & Rescue Service’s top tips for staying fire-free as hundreds light beacons to celebrate the Queen’s reign.
By Amber Hill
Jubilee weekend is fast approaching. Many people have been busy organising street parties and alcohol-fuelled celebrations, which are bound not to disappoint. Others are taking the opportunity to look back on the Queen’s reign and commemorate her dedication to the role. This goes hand in hand with the hundreds of beacons that are supposed to be lit over the weekend, which are intended to show our support of the Queen.
However, this practise doesn’t come without its risks. Luke Lyons, the Crew Manager for Risk Reduction in Vulnerable Adults at Avon Fire & Rescue Service, stresses the importance that we be careful when we light these beacons. He urges us to be aware of the risks of having children or pets near the beacon itself, since this could result in severe burns or worse if something were to go wrong.
Fire is dangerous if you’re not sensible with it
Luke Lyons, Crew Manager for Risk Reduction in Vulnerable Adults at Avon Fire & Rescue Service
Additionally, lighting the beacon in wooded aeras is highly discouraged for obvious reasons. If you want to light a beacon, it is suggested that you do so in open areas, away from structures like buildings. In this way, the damage would be reduced in the case of a fire emergency.
Some beacons are placed on a structure themselves so that they are high up from the ground. Luke urges people to remember that things could fall off and there could be sparks; it would be a good idea to stand well back to avoid getting a minor burn.
Avoiding the use of accelerants will also ensure that your beacon can be lit in a safe manner. Similarly, he suggests not lighting in high winds.
If you follow this safety advice to the best of your ability, this Jubilee weekend can be kept accident free. If you are planning to light a beacon, it is urged that you let the department know, so that they can ensure that they have enough crew and prepare themselves for a few call outs. Click the link here for contact details.