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Second-year student and chair of ‘Equal Access at Bath’, Charlotte Foster, studying at the University of Bath is working tirelessly with her fellow students to raise money for asylum seekers.

Charlotte Foster, a second-year student at the University of Bath and chair of ‘Equal Access at Bath’ is campaigning with others for the university to implement scholarships for undergraduate asylum seekers. It was initially rejected by the university for being too costly.

‘Equal Access at Bath’ currently runs online meetings with members of the senior management team and members of the student union to discuss and organise the scheme going forward, in terms of logistics, fundraising and research.

The group was started by the chairs of Amnesty and Star and a plethora of other people from the University of Bath who came together. It was started because the university has amazing provisions for postgraduate students but not for undergraduates and they wanted to create more opportunities for undergraduate students.

Foster wanted to join the group because she thought it was an incredible thing to be a part of and, while time-consuming and difficult to juggle with assignments, she said it was very worth it. She believes that higher education and the experience of learning from other people and other cultures are so important and something everyone should get the chance to experience.

‘Equal Access at Bath’ is a celebration of inclusivity and diversity and is an opportunity for people to build themselves up. Foster hopes the group can provide for asylum seekers and turn the University of Bath into a welcoming and inclusive place for everyone.

If you’d like to support ‘Equal Access at Bath’ you can donate through their website ( or spread the word by sharing their social media posts. The money donated goes towards funding a scholarship for undergraduate asylum seekers.

Breaking Bath · Interview with Charlotte Foster

Words by Lauren Forester