Get a PSA test to detect early signs of prostate cancer
Head along to Bath Rugby Club for a PSA test on Wednesday April 2nd. The test involved is non-invasive and pain free.
The PSA test is a simple blood test used to help detect prostate cancer. In its early stages, prostate cancer generally produces no symptoms, so it is important to diagnose the disease before symptoms arise and while it is still potentially curable. A recent trial suggests that treating prostate cancer may significantly prolong a man’s life.
It’s important to note that while a raised PSA level can indicate early signs of prostate cancer, there can also be other reasons for a moderately elevated PSA¸ e.g. urinary infection, enlarged prostate etc. and these may need treatment.
Prostate cancer is not always aggressive or life threatening. Even if further tests do detect early-stage prostate cancer, a specialist may not be able to tell whether the condition is life threatening or harmless. This may make treatment choices difficult for both patient & clinician.
All of these factors have led to the current controversy over the value of the PSA test, however, the uncertainties may be reduced by men having a regular test, ideally on an annual basis.
Regular monitoring of PSA levels can highlight any significant or gradual increase, so that even when the PSA is within the ‘normal’ range, one maybe alerted to the need for further investigation.