
Mogers Drewett sponsor Hedgemead Park litter pick event

Nikki Heal was down at Hedgemead Park a few days ago chatting to the teams involved in the litter pick event there and you may have heard some of the volunteer interviews on-air.

Radio Bath Patrons Mogers Drewett solicitors were sponsoring the event and their staff were there cutting back bushes and picking up litter as they went along.

Stephen Brooks who is the Chairman of Bath in Bloom was in attendance and gave us the latest news on how the city performed at the regional and national Britain in Bloom finals this year, and the need for volunteers to help both Bath in Bloom and other community groups across the city.

Graham Groom is the Chair of Friends of Hedgemead Park which are a very active gardening group, which meets twice a month to carry out planting and maintenance in many areas of the park. They’d love you to join If you’d like to volunteer some time to help maintain this beautiful Grade II-listed park.