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The Bath and Wiltshire Parent LOGO
The Bath and Wiltshire Parent LOGO

The Bath & Wiltshire Parent


We love being parents. That is why we have created this website to help keep families in the Bath, West Wiltshire, Saltford and Keynsham area up to date with news, information and events that we think will be of interest to you.

This is also the official website of The Bath & Wiltshire Parent magazine, a bimonthly publication that has been distributed to families in the area since 2008. Over those years we have seen the distribution figure for the magazine increase from 10,000 to 21,800, purely as a result of demand from local families and schools.

We aim to put the same level of care, professionalism and fun into this website, bringing you news, events information, competitions and features.

Best of all, we would love you to be involved. Please do feel free to get in touch and keep us up to date with any news and events that you feel will be of interest to families. We look forward to hearing from you.



Contact Information

Bath, Bath and North East Somerset, South West England, England, United Kingdom
Social Information


Author Info

Victoria Nunes

Member since 4 years ago
View Profile